viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011

My Learning Experience At Los Patojos

To say my experience with los patojos changed my life would be an understatement.
Not only has this project in little jocotenango, sacatepequez reinforced my beliefs as an educator, but it has truly showed me how a whole community can flourish when ideas are put into actions.
In addition, what I have shared from these beautiful experiences with those close to me, has affected them as well. I have been able to show to my friends, family and students how truly amazing los patojos is.
Working with los meteoritos in a classroom setting gave me many gifts. It has opened my eyes to a whole other world. For a first time in my life I got to see and accept that no matter where I go I will be that “cool” and unique teacher. Whether I was reading to them, teaching them English, they were extremely opened to learn from me. Even sitting down and conversating or playing with them made me realize that children are universal. I realized that these children are unique. That they are like no other. That they represent what it means to be greatful, friendly, strong, accepting and so loving.
I had never seen that in other children before. Truthfully this was so beautiful and enlightening.
One would never imagined many of the life situations these children may come from. Because as soon as they walk into that project they are themselves, they are them in this beautiful world. It is because of spaces like LP that we can preserve the innocence and beauty each child brings to this world.
The colorful walls that surround these children paint a story in each of their lives. It is a happy story coloring smiles on their faces. Strengthening families and its ties. Educating. Allowing them to dream. Los Patojos is really what Guatemala really is and what is growing to be. Despite all the violence, there is a piece of hope. Big hope that refreshes me just to think about it. These wonderful people of jocotenango are the most inspiring dedicated educators I have met in my life thus far and truly made my experience an unforgettable one. I am so proud to say, I could be a part of this incredible team of people, truthfully is indescribable. I have no doubt that LP will continue to grow in the future. I look forward to seeing them all soon and working with them and accomplishing some awesome projects in the near future!
As cliché as it sounds, this trip back to my motherland [Guatemala] changed that idea that I once visioned. I wanted to go change lives accomplishing this through change, by changing [their] lives but I was in for the reality that they were the ones that would change mine.

“We must give all children the opportunity and tools to address their emotional well being not just their pain, but also their joy”—Evelin Johana Rubio
                                Literacy based organization educator
                               [Adult and youth community programs]
                                     Long Beach, CA the states

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